Thursday, February 25, 2010

Six games threaten to lock!

Cologne --
The wonderful late summer weather on Geißbockheim yesterday fit really do not like the look of FC coach Zvonimir Soldo. The Croat had not only to the unfortunate bankruptcy 0:1-digest in the Derby - but also the loss of its director.
Maniche saw red in the Derby because of a kick in the genitals by Arturo Vidal ( "Luckily, he has gestriffen me only"). Soldo: "It hits us hard. Hopefully he will not be blocked for too long. "
But then it currently does not. Because: Maniche Treterei has consequences. DFB chief prosecutor Anton Nachreiner for EXPRESS: "I've seen the TV images. What matters is what has earned the referee in his match report that I get on Monday. We need to distinguish between an unsportsmanlike conduct and assault. In the case of unsportsmanlike conduct, the penalty begins with a match suspension. In the case of an assault, it goes up to six games a break! "
The latter would be a full broadside on the FC! "These are crucial weeks for us. Such a long suspension is overly harsh. A Derby lives of dedication and aggressive fighting. Still, he must be as clever as an experienced player. But I can not see that he kicked him very much, "Soldo said.
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Nachreiner relative after all: "A special kick, I have not seen. There are also intermediates in the assessment of sanctions. Thus, there is the assault after provocation that draws a more lenient sentence than six games after it. "
Good for Maniche: The first bully-kick against international goalkeeper Rene Adler before the break going into the assessment of the sendings-off game equipment. Nachreiner: "The matter has been punished with a yellow card and is for myself from the table."
For Adler, however, is not the case, who had been terribly excited by the kick and it looked yellow. "I stand by my view from Saturday," said the goalkeeper on Sunday.
"I'm not resentful, nor a child of sorrow. But he has made me already - it has hurt. That was already aware of the sending-off then the logical conclusion, "said Adler. Maniche had to consider whether "he takes the injury of a colleague in sales," complained Eagle.
Now decide the DFB.