Sunday, May 30, 2010

I can not think straight (OV)

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Tala may choose not go away. Already three times she has to sit her fiancé left at the altar - much to anger her mother, who puts a gun to her chest and says that should the next time they remain steadfast. When Tala meets in London on her ex and his new girlfriend Leyla Ali, there is an unusual twist: Leyla Tala makes advances. And it is not a flirt.
?? Movie.label.director??
Shamim Sarif
?? Movie.label.actors??
Lisa Ray, Sheetal Sheth, Antonia Frering
?? Movie.label.genre??
Great Britain
?? Movie.label.year??
?? Movie.label.runtime??
82?? Movie.label.runtime.inMinutes??
?? Movie.label.certification??

Monday, May 24, 2010

"With what does not!"

Passport forgers, smugglers, drug dealers, terrorists and international criminals sought - that is the world of Chief Superintendent Rolf eel (57) and its 250 federal police officers.
Their locations: 100 Lower Rhine-Holland border crossings, the Airport Weeze and 300 km railway with 38 stations. Also on the Rhine, his "border" on the road.
The officials, who were formerly under the name "Federal" at the barricades on the move, in times of open borders has long been a powerful police force. And when they go on patrol, they often are not alone - with the colleagues of Holland "Royal Netherlands" will work hand in hand.
"Whenever it is necessary we act internationally. We must pursue observed in the neighboring country, to stop and arrest suspects, "said spokesman Thomas Geurtz.
EXPRESS accompanied the "frontier" on a normal working day: "With what is not true," said a federal police officer. The patrol sits behind an old Golf from Mönchengladbach, forcing him to stop. The rider (62) comes straight from the Netherlands, was illegally entered and wants to have only proceed ".
On the German side Rolf eel heads all operations in the border area. He is the master of the "bug", because this is the call name of his search vehicles.
Your balance sheet in 2008: 364 illegal entries, 559 stay violations, 4,000 "customers were" on drugs with 20 pounds, 72 and 755 had weapons it went "black" in trains of the railway. False passports, stolen cars and looking for international determine the daily lives of federal police along the border.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Vettel: I victory in the Sand

Manama - From rain god desert fox! Sebastian Vettel (21's) after the victory at the water ballet in China and the Grand Prix of Bahrain (Sunday, 14 clock, RTL and Premiere win live).
How? He writes in EXPRESS:
A little time to celebrate my victory in Shanghai remained still, but already I flew Monday in the desert.
I hope that we are there so strong and competitive. We definitely have the potential to ride the victory.
The track in the desert is not exactly the greatest challenge of the year dar. But it is hard to find here the pace as the track has many curves, which always take a back off track.
Each round is different, suddenly sand is at a point where two minutes earlier was not one yet. Do you come from the racing line, your lap is in the bucket. You lose an incredible amount of time. Up to one second in one corner.
I've got the intention of Hermann Tilke full. Who built the track so that we make many mistakes pilots. There are some really nasty corners, but only two clear overtaking opportunities. In the first bend and into turn 14 at the end of the long straights.
Otherwise you have to hope for the error of the front man. As I said, through the sand you have to wait because not often last long. The problem is that you can catch so well. Ruck, Zuck you slip, and the backer is over. As you can see almost the grin on Helm of the other.
In the last year was my first race in Bahrain by the way in the round. Since then plenty of potential for improvement exists.
Also for the next race after Bahrain Europe I am optimistic. And that even without the double-diffuser. We are just at the beginning of the development.
Our curve shows up, and we are in a position to bring new parts, not just the diffuser is itself goal is to win always and everywhere, including in the World Cup.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Award at Ball at the Hilton

Dusseldorf - Caribbean flair prevailed on Saturday in the Hilton Hotel. Before it but with Salso Lambada and walked around, was honored a man who has a very big heart for Customs Dusseldorf Air Berlin CEO Joachim Hunold was made an honorary member of the Prince's Club.
President Jobsi Driessen: "We decorate the prince with a successful club like us, but above all nice people! Achim is a genuine Düsseldorf. And he makes much of our carnival. "
Canceled, he studied law, gekellnert in the Old Town, and later, Air Berlin bought and built - is now Hunold, chief of Germany's second largest airline. Driessen: "He's a high flyer in the airline industry," Hunold has been the "Medal for Combating envious" and the "Medal for Combating Deadly Seriousness": "But the inclusion in the Princes Club is the highest award for me!" After the award started the ball with 700 guests and the arrival of a Princely Glitter rain.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

To outsmart politicians during election dates

Berlin - When it comes to their own retaining power, the ingenuity of politicians knows no bounds. Really only upset because elections. So is tricked to the election dates - so that the "voting cattle" as possible within the meaning of the government decides.
An example of this form of "guided democracy": the Saarland. Here, the CDU state premier Peter Müller, the 2009 state election will necessarily hold on another day when the election (date: 20th or 27th of September). The higher costs are the same to him - as long as it is only of his party. His calculus: Without the driving force election fewer people go to vote. And a low voter turnout hurts the experience, especially the SPD, thus helping the CDU.
Müller gives his tactics even open, says all parties would seek election dates, expect where the best result for them was. The SPD accuses Miller "falsehood before." In 1994, when he was in opposition, he had called to merge parliament and parliamentary elections.
But now Müller and government has the dubious privilege of being able to set the election date. Clear that the comrades are sour. Saar SPD leader Heiko Maas grumbles about the high cost of two dates. But not because a date would be cheaper. But because his Saar SPD would get more votes for a double date.
The same as in the Saar play is occurring in Thuringia: CDU Minister President Dieter Althaus, the state election will be separated from the general election.
In NRW tricked in municipal elections. The really stand on until the autumn of 2009. But Prime Minister Jürgen Rüttgers (CDU), they can bring forward to June - the day of the European elections. She has always been a low turnout: In 2004, only 43% down.
NRW-Arndt Klocke Green leader is outraged: "This is a clear vote-rigging. Ruettgers wants to prevent the local elections held in conjunction with the federal election. He takes into account, that in NRW three and a half months, many councils and mayors items are to be doubly occupied. "
Ruettgers that had also abolished the runoff in the mayoral election, was "pure power politics," said Klocke. "For in the last ballots are almost all failed CDU candidate."
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