Thursday, May 6, 2010

To outsmart politicians during election dates

Berlin - When it comes to their own retaining power, the ingenuity of politicians knows no bounds. Really only upset because elections. So is tricked to the election dates - so that the "voting cattle" as possible within the meaning of the government decides.
An example of this form of "guided democracy": the Saarland. Here, the CDU state premier Peter Müller, the 2009 state election will necessarily hold on another day when the election (date: 20th or 27th of September). The higher costs are the same to him - as long as it is only of his party. His calculus: Without the driving force election fewer people go to vote. And a low voter turnout hurts the experience, especially the SPD, thus helping the CDU.
Müller gives his tactics even open, says all parties would seek election dates, expect where the best result for them was. The SPD accuses Miller "falsehood before." In 1994, when he was in opposition, he had called to merge parliament and parliamentary elections.
But now Müller and government has the dubious privilege of being able to set the election date. Clear that the comrades are sour. Saar SPD leader Heiko Maas grumbles about the high cost of two dates. But not because a date would be cheaper. But because his Saar SPD would get more votes for a double date.
The same as in the Saar play is occurring in Thuringia: CDU Minister President Dieter Althaus, the state election will be separated from the general election.
In NRW tricked in municipal elections. The really stand on until the autumn of 2009. But Prime Minister Jürgen Rüttgers (CDU), they can bring forward to June - the day of the European elections. She has always been a low turnout: In 2004, only 43% down.
NRW-Arndt Klocke Green leader is outraged: "This is a clear vote-rigging. Ruettgers wants to prevent the local elections held in conjunction with the federal election. He takes into account, that in NRW three and a half months, many councils and mayors items are to be doubly occupied. "
Ruettgers that had also abolished the runoff in the mayoral election, was "pure power politics," said Klocke. "For in the last ballots are almost all failed CDU candidate."
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