Friday, April 30, 2010

Finke, a "Red Diamond"

Saitama - Volker Finke has a new job. The longtime coach of SC Freiburg (1991-2007) is reported new coach of the Urawa Red Diamonds from Japan, such as "World Online".
Finke: "I am looking forward to this task. I am convinced that the work is an enriching experience for me." He signs for two years.
Played a major role of the FC Bayern Munich. The German champions is a partner of Japan's tradition of clubs - and recommended Finke.
The 60-year-old had to consider the contract signature until auber maturely. He was at the invitation of the club nine days in Japan, visited five league games (two of Urawa).
Previous Fink is, incidentally, also a German Gert Engels. Who was dismissed after the Diamonds in the semi-finals of the Asian Champions League were eliminated.
Also Horst Köppel, Holger Osieck and Guido Buchwald has managed the Red Diamonds. In the kader japaner are also the ex-Bundesliga professionals Naohiro Takahara (HSV, Frankfurt) and Robson Ponte (Leverkusen, Wolfsburg).

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Swine flu: Tamiflu does not always help

La Jolla / Berlin - Tamiflu had previously been regarded as the panacea against swine flu - but since the doctors seem to have been mistaken for:
From the border between the U.S. and Mexico have been reported cases of swine flu, for which treatment was ineffective with the drug. This was announced by the head of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Maria Teresa Cerqueira.
The resistance had been detected in infected individuals, who regularly crossed the border between Mexico and the United States and who had himself treated with Tamiflu, "said Cerqueira.
 The drug manufactured by the pharmaceutical company Roche is currently the main treatment of swine flu appropriation, since a vaccine does not exist yet. In the U.S. there is Tamiflu, as in Germany only by prescription in Mexico, it is freely available.
 Cerqueira warned against hasty taking the antiviral drug. If the remedy would have "taken at the first sneeze, it would be ineffective later when really necessary.
According to Cerqueira was one of the patients non-responsive to Tamiflu, then treated with the anti-virus resources zanamivir of the British manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline. Another had received no additional treatment.
Both patients survived the swine flu. Roche had announced himself by clinical tests that could be expected with a resistance rate of about 0.5 percent.
More info on Influenza: vaccination chaos threatens Germany> What you need to know absolutely>

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Magath: "At the end are the Bayern forward"

Gelsenkirchen --
2005 and 2006, he won with FC Bayern Munich, the "Double", in early 2007, he was nonetheless fired.
Felix Magath returns Saturday as coach of FC Schalke 04 back to his former club. Before the big explosive reunion EXPRESS interview.
Felix Magath in the EXPRESS Interview
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Mr. Magath, which is more satisfying for you: with a top team like Bayern take title to, or stand with a young team like the current Schalke's so good?
    It is certainly interesting to get a team with a title of which it has not previously expected - as with Wolfsburg. As a coach, I find it most attractive, however, build a team and form so that they can get a title once. Therefore, what we intend to Schalke yes.
You said you would at Schalke finally do something. Were you at Bayern as too boring?
    Boring is the wrong word. Auf Schalke, it is more exciting, more life here in the booth. Get With the Bavarians a title is indeed almost as normal. But here the people are so hungry that the attack is formally. And because of the financial situation it is now, of course, exciting and outside of work with the team.
They had to leave Bayern Munich in early 2007, despite two "double" ...
    I had quickly checked off. With Bayern Munich, I've won four titles, which I would not get somewhere else.
Can only be you and Ottmar Hitzfeld as Bayern coach with the master?
    I do not know. I'm going anyway assume that the Bavarians will be available at the end of the season ahead.
How would you compare the two clubs Bayern and Schalke?
    Bayern are in Germany really compare with any other club.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Menderes Jackson Security arrested

Los Angeles - The Eternal Idol-free Menderes, now he is a Jackson-solver.
Is ex-candidate Menderes, as we all know to go a huge fan of the late King of Pop and it wanted to leave why not take a walk once on the ranch Neverland.
To prove their last respects to Michael Jackson, he climbed through a hole in the fence. And was immediately caught by the security men.
Only the TV station RTL, who reported on Menderes, was able to free the six-time American Idol-participants from the predicament. "The then have googled me, found my homepage and then told the police that she did not want to arrest me," he said.
For all Menderes fans there is good news: The "singer" has announced that it will be again this year at the talent show American Idol here - then the seventh time

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

SPD: New City Hall for Bonn officials

Bonn - last time a politician dares to say what many think: Get rid of the Bonn townhouse! SPD head Wilfried Klein wants to relocate the administration instead of the "new center" of Bonn.
Million townhouse grave: Alone in this and next year have once again six million euros in the ugly concrete block from the 70s to be pumped.
That's it Wilfried Klein: "We need to think hard about it, whether the thing comes off not last." Not only is the town house was ramshackle. The working conditions for employees are no longer optimal.
The SPD politician lists, suggesting this plan: "At the B 9, the" new center, there are free surfaces. There, the development measure is the government quarter. Now, when private as the IVG say we need users, then you have to do something. At the townhouse is indisputable need for renovation, it was never pretty, it is not too aufzuhübschen. And it has never been fitted to the North Town. "
Conclusion of Klein, who knows not only many members of the SPD group on his side: "What can we say about it, that creates a new townhouse in the new center?"
Get rid of the townhouse, in the Oval Offices. Envisaged by the Bonn IVG for 100 million euros in the B 9, but will build only if at least 50 percent of the area are rented. Is featured in the "Easter eggs" for 2,000 people - perfect for the city government in Bonn.
Klein: "The accessibility of the B 9 is optimal, there is a motorway junction in the vicinity. And there is also more geographically the center of Bonn as the location of City Hall. "
And what about the citizen services? "There's no reason to keep one or the other story in the City," said the group leader.
His plea: "I am sure that the" new center "a vibrant center and think it would be good if the city goes in there." Townhouse For now, he can well imagine the retail sector. From Reconstruction to complete demolition: Small exclude the concrete bunker nothing.