Monday, April 12, 2010

Menderes Jackson Security arrested

Los Angeles - The Eternal Idol-free Menderes, now he is a Jackson-solver.
Is ex-candidate Menderes, as we all know to go a huge fan of the late King of Pop and it wanted to leave why not take a walk once on the ranch Neverland.
To prove their last respects to Michael Jackson, he climbed through a hole in the fence. And was immediately caught by the security men.
Only the TV station RTL, who reported on Menderes, was able to free the six-time American Idol-participants from the predicament. "The then have googled me, found my homepage and then told the police that she did not want to arrest me," he said.
For all Menderes fans there is good news: The "singer" has announced that it will be again this year at the talent show American Idol here - then the seventh time