Saturday, April 24, 2010

Swine flu: Tamiflu does not always help

La Jolla / Berlin - Tamiflu had previously been regarded as the panacea against swine flu - but since the doctors seem to have been mistaken for:
From the border between the U.S. and Mexico have been reported cases of swine flu, for which treatment was ineffective with the drug. This was announced by the head of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Maria Teresa Cerqueira.
The resistance had been detected in infected individuals, who regularly crossed the border between Mexico and the United States and who had himself treated with Tamiflu, "said Cerqueira.
 The drug manufactured by the pharmaceutical company Roche is currently the main treatment of swine flu appropriation, since a vaccine does not exist yet. In the U.S. there is Tamiflu, as in Germany only by prescription in Mexico, it is freely available.
 Cerqueira warned against hasty taking the antiviral drug. If the remedy would have "taken at the first sneeze, it would be ineffective later when really necessary.
According to Cerqueira was one of the patients non-responsive to Tamiflu, then treated with the anti-virus resources zanamivir of the British manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline. Another had received no additional treatment.
Both patients survived the swine flu. Roche had announced himself by clinical tests that could be expected with a resistance rate of about 0.5 percent.
More info on Influenza: vaccination chaos threatens Germany> What you need to know absolutely>